Showing posts with label Broody. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Broody. Show all posts

Monday, October 29, 2012

Well, the broody hen finally hatched a little bobble-head. It’s a “Turken,” also known as Transylvania Naked Neck chicken. I was hoping it would have been one of the fancy French rooster’s offspring, but alas, the hen had other plans. Now she's left sitting on one egg and a golfball; so I have a 50% chance of hatching a chicken or a golfer, right?

Another hen went broody as well over the weekend. Any ideas on what to do when this happens? Why these hens think it’s a wise idea to have a bunch of little chicks running around in the dead of winter is beyond me.

I keep pondering how, or if I should, do anything special to prepare for hurricane “Sandy,” other than make sure all the animals are comfortable. It has been raining constantly up here since Saturday (no surprise), much to the delight of the ducks, but not the rest of the animals. It delayed me in putting more hay up over the weekend. I still need to get 150 bales in my loft for the winter. I’m sure many of us are preparing for the storm as I write this. All summer everyone prayed for rain. Well folks, here it comes. Be safe.

10/26/12     Black Australorp / Turken Chick

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