Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Farm Happenings

Last Saturday was a beautiful day today on the farm. Easy and quiet and uneventful.. I woke up, threw some bedding in the wash, put some coffee on to brew, and headed out to the barn to feed the animal family. Then I came back inside and made a nice breakfast with some ham, eggs, sausage, feta cheese and veggies.  Husband and I chowed down; he headed off to work, and then I headed to the local feed mill to pick up grain, a new water trough, and some water buckets, followed by a trip to the gas station to get fuel for the tractor. 

When I arrived home I had the task of repairing a long stretch of poly cord electric fence line that one of the thoroughbreds managed to get his halter caught in, and then ran like hell trying to get away from it. Thus, pulling out a long line of fence. The job was not hard to do; I had some help and it was done in no time.  Afterward, I made a nice big quesadilla for lunch and indulged in a glass of wine. 

So far, the weather for October has been amazing - mostly warm and  sunny, with temperatures in the 70's during the day, and 40-50's overnight.  I sound like a TV weather woman, don't I?  But anyway, it's been great and I have enjoyed a lot of horseback riding thanks to Mother Nature! 

Now, If I was a good farm girl, there were a million other things I should have been getting done, but I could not help but take advantage of it all.  What other things you say? You know, the usual... kill some chickens, clean the house, do some laundry, clean the barn, find a chest freezer, etc., etc. 

Hopefully the good Lord will forgive me for being such a slacker, and I do promise I will try to be more productive next weekend...

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