Showing posts with label Walnuts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Walnuts. Show all posts

Monday, October 14, 2013

Candied Walnuts

I engaged in a little recipe swap this morning at my office job.  One of our salesmen owns a walnut farm as a side business, and out of the goodness of his heart, sends the office about 80-100 lbs. every fall to enjoy.  The "event" today was to share your favorite recipe, or way of enjoying the walnuts. 

Every holiday season I make this recipe for family and guests to feast upon.  The nuts go fast and there are never leftovers, as was the result of the three cups I shared with my coworkers today.  Pity, because I was hoping for a handful to toss on my evening dinner salad with some blue cheese and my favorite balsamic vinaigrette.  

Candied Walnuts

3 cups of walnuts (or substitute pecans)

1 cup of sugar

3 egg whites

1 Tbsp vanilla extract

sea salt

Heat oven to 350 degrees.
In a large bowl, blend egg whites with a mixer, cream in sugar and vanilla, mix well.

Line a baking sheet with foil and butter it lightly.
Fold walnuts into egg white/ sugar mixture and coat evenly. 

Spread onto baking sheet and bake 10 minutes in the oven.  Turn nuts with a spatula and bake another 10-15 minutes taking care to watch so they do not burn.

When done, remove from oven and sprinkle lightly with sea salt.  (nuts will be sticky until they cool)
Let cool completely and serve, or store in a sealed container for later use. They keep well for up to two weeks, but don’t expect any leftovers…

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