Showing posts with label Snow Peas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snow Peas. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2013

Snow Peas

I grew a small patch of snow peas in the garden this year.  I intended to freeze a couple of gallon bagsof them, but alas, every time I went into the garden I found myself eating handfuls, fresh off the plants.  Yep, they were that good.  I did manage to freeze a little though, and that is what I made myself a quick little lunch out of today.  Here is a VERY simple recipe.  "Easy Peasy," you might say...

1. Steam (or microwave) your peas just enough to warm them up.
2. Sprinkle unsalted peanuts on top (to your liking)
3. Finish with one or two tablespoons of peanut sauce and toss it all around.

I used a store bought peanut sauce brand that I really like, but you could certainly make your own if you're feeling adventurous (and have ridiculous amounts of time on your hands).

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