Friday, November 22, 2013


Today's post isn't really about "farm" stuff, but rather a way to get the farm in the first place.  Yes I know, it takes money to buy a farm, unless you were one of the lucky ones who inherited the family farm from your parents, who inherited it from their parents, and so on.  I didn't inherit my farm.  And I'm glad for that actually, because I can only imagine that having a farm handed down to you from your parents creates a whole other set of expectations and issues that I'm not certain I would want to contend with. Or maybe not.  I can't really say, I suppose.  Anyway, back to "getting" your farm...

Aside from money, it also takes desire, and a plan. I am a true believer in affirmations and goal setting, or as another way to put it, "write the shit down and make it happen."  When I was looking for a farm, I had a firm list of criteria for the kind of house and property I wanted.  So I made a list that looked something like the following one, and my search began.
  • Newer house that didn't require any upfront repairs, with in-law suite, or something that would suffice as an in-law suite
  • A good-sized house - 2300 sq. feet or more
  • A water feature on the property (creek, river or pond)
  • Fenced in pasture - ready to put horses on
  • A nice barn with at least 6 stalls
  • A minimum of a three car garage
  • Relatively flat pastures
  • Some woods
  • A nice, big covered porch
  • A walk-out basement
  • A fireplace
  • A huge eat-in kitchen with room for an island
  • Commute distance from my job of an hour or less
So what happened?  I found the property with all those things and more, and I got it!  But it also took one year and forty-eight days to close on the property!  It was a "short sale" and banks are slow. And there was a lot of negotiating. But I wanted that farm damn it; so every day I would take out a picture of it, visualize myself owning it, what animals I would have running around on it, and what vegetables I would grow in my garden. And I believe that much of getting my farm was due to the constant daily affirmations and visualizations (and a TON of paperwork and patience).  Two good books on this subject are "It Works" by RHJ, and "Write it Down, Make it Happen" by Henriette Klauser.  I own these books myself,  and refer back to them often to reinforce my belief in their theories.  Now get going and get yourself a farm!

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