Monday, January 21, 2013

Low Stress Living...Make it Yourself!

Sometimes I think my life is a pretty busy one. After all, I work a regular office job putting in 40-50 hours per week, along with a two hour round-trip commute into the city five days a week. Where on earth can I find time to take care of a farm, let alone me and my husband, with 4 horses, two cats, two dogs, a goat and 30 some chickens? I’m not sure, but somehow it happens. And surprisingly it happens quite easily, and without much stress.

Things actually seem simpler now than they did when we lived in the city. Now, I can’t just jump in the car at a moment’s notice and drive off to the store for something I crave. That would take at least 30-60 minutes of my time. Instead, I make my own bread, laundry soap, pizza, salad dressing, pasta, etc. If we want chicken for dinner we can butcher one, or pull some from the freezer that we butchered earlier here on the farm. Eggs? The hens lay them every day! A trip into town for any other supplies (ahem, beer…) has to be well planned and thought out. This saves us a lot of money by the way. No more impulse junk food purchases during the week! I can’t even remember the last time I ate those artery-clogging, expensive pizza rolls?

Doesn’t doing all this stuff take more time than just jumping into the car? Nope. I can make or do any of the above things in mere minutes. And I guarantee it’s much healthier and less stressful than making a so called “quick” run to the store and back every time you need something for dinner.

You can do it too! Even if you can’t butcher your own chickens, give the other things a try, start slow, and you’ll see how much better your life can be because of it.

Fresh Homemade Bread

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