Friday, January 25, 2013

Farm Goals

I'm not one of those people who enjoys "flying by the seat on their pants" so to speak.  That sort of thing could give me hives. Okay, I admit, lots of things give me hives...

Seriously though, I like to believe that I have some control in the direction of my life. So every year in January, the control-freak in me likes take time to plan out a list of things that I want to accomplish over the next twelve months. 

Here is the list (in no special order) of Mon Abri Farm goals for the New Year.  According to "Goal Experts," if I put them in writing they stand a higher chance of being accomplished.  So let's test that theory.  If we hit them all it will be a small miracle. But hey, miracles do happen, right? I'll post updates on our progress as the days pass.  Wish us luck. A lot of luck.

Goals for 2013
  1. Sell $1,500 in farm-related products or services
  2. Get a chest freezer (donations welcome!)
  3. Hatch out 80-100 new baby chicks (for meat and eggs)
  4. Sell some chicks
  5. Plant and sell Pumpkins and gourds for the Fall season
  6. Plant 4-6 fruit trees
  7. Plant 3 pine trees
  8. Build an outdoor arena (the goal I desperately want to be able to cross off the list in 2013!)
  9. Save enough $$$ to build a second barn with 10-12 stalls
  10. Establish / Create a logo for the farm and have a sign made for the driveway
  11. Build a road-side produce stand / or run a Sunday only, mini-farm market
  12. Get the rows and trellis put in to start a small vineyard
  13. Construct 1 or 2 hoop houses to extend the gardening season
  14. Keep the goat from eating everything
Did I mention it's a little cold here?

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