Friday, October 23, 2015

Egg Salad

After going through a number of recipes searching for an egg salad that I could love, I ended up settling on my own creation and I 'm pretty happy with it.  No measurements, I just take hardboiled egg, add a little mayo, a little Dijon, some chopped green olives, minced onion, and a little fresh ground black pepper.  Though this morning I also added a little diced ham, because it was there and needed used up.  Piled on some toasted homemade rye, this version (minus the ham) is now my favorite.  Its a fast breakfast or lunch.  My mother always made her egg salad on the sweet side, and heavy on the mayo.  I like mine thick and chunky.  Now I'm on a quest to gather a ton of egg recipes of all sorts, since I'm lucky enough to have such a great supply.

Big dog and medium dog were showing off their best moves for me this morning while I was having breakfast.  I think they know the weekend is about to begin. Garlic has to be planted this weekend... and if I'm really smart I'll also take time to hang some Christmas lights, before it gets too cold and I won't be bothered with it.

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